Header image showing mentees having video calls with mentors on laptops

Apply to become a Mentee

ScreenSkills NextGen Prospects in association with NextGen Skills Academy is funded by the ScreenSkills Mentoring Network, supported by the BFI awarding National Lottery Funds as part of its Future Film Strategy. ScreenSkills is the industry-led skills body for the UK’s screen industries. This mentoring programme brings together those already working in the creative industries with experienced industry mentors to work on personal and professional development.

What does it mean to be a ScreenSkills NextGen Prospects mentee?

This is an opportunity to take part in a free 6-months programme of professional development, you can work towards the next stage in your career with the expert support and guidance of a paired mentor. You'll also have regular workshops and contact with a leadership coach to help build confidence, clarify your goals, and to help you get the most out of the programme.

Mentoring is a partnership in which a mentor shares their experience and knowledge with a paired mentee who wants to grow and progress: it’s a two-way confidential partnership of development, dialogue, learning and challenge.

Asian female smiling and waving at laptop during video call
White male in his 40's gestures at laptop during a video call

What does the programme entail?

All successful mentees will have:

  • Regular contact for 6 months (at least once a month for 30 mins – 1 hour) with your paired industry mentor, this contact will take place remotely over video/phone calls and emails
  • Career workshops and contact with a leadership coach to help you make the most of having a mentor and to plan for your next career steps
  • Invite to a dedicated LinkedIn group to build your professional network

Applications are now closed for this programme